HikaNation Program by Linda Wright Appalachian Trail Museum Saturday, July 23, 2022 @ 2pm
 HikaNation Program presented by Linda Wright Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 2 PM
Come and learn about HikaNation, a 14-month cross-country backpacking trip starting at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, CA and ending at Cape Henlopen, DE from someone who was there!
Linda Hull (now married and known as Linda Wright) was a member of HikaNation from 1980-1981. She started at the beginning of the hike in California and hiked with the group until they reached the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. She will present on the history of the hike and how it came to be. She'll also share interesting facts on some of the participants, logistics, and paint a picture of the day-to-day experiences.
Linda Wright filled in for Stacey Waring since Stacey had to cancel due to an illness in her family.
This program will take place just outside of the AT Museum. Bring a camp chair or blanket to sit on. (Note: Due to the heat and humidity, the program was moved indoors - photo below provided by Linda Wright.)

HikaNation Program by Alden Olmsted Appalachian Trail Museum Saturday, September 17, 2022 @ 2pm

Alden Olmsted at AT Museum! Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 2 PM
John D. Olmsted (March 2, 1938 - March 8, 2011) was a California naturalist and conservationist most famous for creating the Independence Trail in Nevada City, California, as well as helping to save numerous other parcels across California, including Jug Handle State Natural Reserve in Casper, California, Goat Mountain in the Berryessa Snow Mountain Wilderness and the Bridgeport Covered Bridge. His efforts and vision of a park at Bridgeport led to the creation of the South Yuba River State Park, a 39-mile (63 km) length of Nationally protected Wild and Scenic land along the South Yuba River in Nevada County, California. Olmsted patterned his life after that of fellow environmentalist John Muir, with his trademark beard, formal clothing, and poetic and spiritual leanings towards the benefits of time spent in nature.
His lifelong goal was a trail across America, later scaling back to a trail across California which is currently underway with the partnership of California State Parks and his son Alden Olmsted.
In 1980 John joined the now famous hiking group "HikaNation" on their California leg and revisited to film numerous parts of their journey on 16mm film. The films have since been digitized and preserved by the California Academy of Sciences and are an important documentation of the amazing trek to champion more East - West hiking trails.
In 2000 he was featured in 'Nature's Visionary' the definitive book on John Muir, published by National Geographic.
Alden Olmsted is John's youngest son and has taken after the elder Olmsted in regards to documentation, having made three films about his charismatic father. Alden will speak at the AT Museum on Sept. 17th and bring with him a small but significant donation to the museum, and speak on the significance of his father's life as well as his connection to HikaNation. Gomer Pyles, a HikaNation participant who brought along his one year old in a wheelbarrow, will also be attendance.
This event will take place just outside of the AT Museum. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on. This event is part of a series by Olmsted 200 at https://olmsted200.org Alden Olmsted at AT Museum -
Hosted by Julie Queen.
Alden Olmsted's text and photos recap of his AT Museum Presentation "John Olmsted and 1980's HikaNation" - September 17, 2022 is accessible below - click on the image.

Alden Olmsted's YouTube video of his AT Museum Presentation "John Olmsted and 1980's HikaNation" - September 17, 2022 is accessible below - click on the image.

On April 12, 1980, 90+ hikers gathered with thousands of onlookers in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco with backpacks and eager spirits. 14 months later 40-ish of those hikers jumped in the Atlantic Ocean at Cape Henlopen, Delaware, as part of American Hiking Society's HikaNation cross-country trek, organized to raise awareness of hiking and the importance of trails across the country.
My father, California conservationist John Olmsted, grabbed his 16mm film camera and followed the group on much of the hike. The film he shot is archived with the California Academy of Sciences and available via The Internet Archive.
This is the story of how it all happened.
By Alden Olmsted
9/17/22 Appalachian Trail Museum at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Gardners, PA.
More info at atmuseum.org and aldenolmsted.com . |
More photos from Alden's September 17th Presentation (provided by Alden Olmsted)

 Gomer Pyles & Alden Olmsted in front of
the AT Museum's HikaNation Exhibit.
 John Olmsted's Sierra Club Cup - "John Muir Edition" and the framed photo were donated by Alden Olmsted to the AT Museum's HikaNation Exhibit Artifacts Display.