42nd Anniversary HikaNation Reunion St. Augustine, Florida March 25 - 27, 2022
After being postponed in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Jim Kern hosted the Reunion in St. Augustine, Florida, March 25 - 27, 2022. |
The Progression of HikaNation
Reunion Planning Session before Postponements March 15, 2017 - St. Augustine, Florida
 Doug Marshall, Paula Guerrein & Jim Kern in Florida |
 Have You Heard About HikaNation ? |
Former 2020 Reunion Announcement Video Video made on March 17, 2017 - St. Augustine, Florida The reunion was postponed until March 2022.
 Click for video Alternative video link
"The House" Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida Saturday, March 26, 2022

Paul Pritchard, Jim Kern, Ryan Bozis, Janet Hartowicz-Parsons, Terry Ernst, Gayle Fisher, Keith Wright, Linda Wright, Cindy Burke, John Mills, Jr., Lyle Bialk, Mike Collins, Tish Butcher
Kneeling: Bob Ronemus, Sharon Morrissey, Toni Martinazzi, Stacey Waring, William Ewart, Paula Guerrein, Tim Geoghegan (Photo provided by Mike Collins) |
 Map created by Janet Parson's mother.

42nd Anniversary HikaNation Reunion March 24 - 27, 2022 in St. Augustine, Florida Dip your boots in the Atlantic Ocean once again
Enjoy reminiscing all weekend in addition to exploring St Augustine.
Janet & Doug will be renting a large house in the St. Augustine area.
If you would like to stay there (in your own room, share a room, the floor, a couch, or tent),
contact Janet
(jhartowicz@comcast.net). Cost will be split between those staying there.
As of February 8, 2022, 26 people have RSVP'd for the event. Please contact Tish (tmbca15@gmail.com)
in the next week if you want to be added to the list.
Tenting ?? : at Jim Kern's, space for 5 tents ??
Camping: at Anastasia State Park 904-461-2033 .
Hotels: Hampton Inn Vilano Beach, 95 Vilano Rd., St Augustine -- 904-827-9797
Best Western Bayfront, 16 Avenida Menendez, St. Augustine -- 904-824-4482
St Augustine is 50 miles from Jacksonville (JAX),
50 miles from Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB),
and 100 miles from Orlando (MCO).
Tentative schedule:
Thursday March 24
Jim Kern is offering boat rides for up to 4 people:
1:30 pm: 1 seat open as of February 8, 2022
4:00 pm: 1 seat open as of February 9, 2022
Tentative 4:00 pm trip on Saturday, March 26 -- Saturday trip has been cancelled
(This Saturday ride would conflict with cocktail hour on Saturday though.)
Contact Jim Kern directly to confirm (904) 829-1515. You snooze, you lose! Note: Saturday boat rides were cancelled due to heavy rains; they were rescheduled for Sunday afternoon.
"The House" will be available after 3pm Thursday.
Janet will be in St Augustine from Monday night until Thursday at 1pm. Contact Janet for any concerns (224) 595-2626
Friday March 25
5 - 7pm or later?: Cocktail Hour, heavy hor d'oeurves,
with unseen slides/pictures at Jim Kern's Place. Must carpool!!!!
Saturday March 26
Reminiscing throughout the day.
4 - 5pm : "Drunken History" aka Cocktail Hour at "The House"
with Reese Lukei, Jr., state coordinator from Kentucky to the Atlantic Ocean (see Paula's description below *).
5pm: Doug's famous BBQ at "The House"
6pm: Zoom Meeting with Hikers unable to attend
Sunday March 27
10 - 10:05am: Coffee and donuts with William and HikaNation.com at "The House", followed by
10:05am: Paula explaining the HikaNation display at the AT Museum (see Paula's description below **).
HikaNation Reunion Merchandise and Memorabilia
Terry and Marsha Ernst are handling this. Many thanks to Ryan Bozis for updating our logo! See HikaNation Merchandise for available items.
Local Activities:
Besides reminiscing and the usual: St Augustine offers many opportunities for visitors
including the historical downtown, hiking, walking on the beach, deep sea fishing, scenic
cruises, helicopter tours, etc.
Program Descriptions:
* Hiking history hour: the finale of the 1980-'81 HikaNation adventure with State Coordinator Reese Lukei, Jr.
Saturday March 26, 4 - 5pm at "The House":
From the KY/VA border, to 500+ miles on the AT, then on the C&O Canal towpath, through Washington, D.C., to the Delaware coast, Reese will share his recollections of planning, coordinating and mapping to get the group beyond the original goal of the U.S. Capitol, to Cape Henlopen. See The Shenandoah Project
"Let Us In" for a portion of Reese's organizational efforts.
Who better for this task than the President of the Tidewater ATC, AHS board member, ATC board member and first guidebook writer of the American Discovery Trail. Discussion and Q&A for all comers!
Memories, stories, laughs and good times await!
** What's in your box? Artifacts wanted for AT Museum HikaNation exhibit
Sunday March 27, 10:05am at "The House":
Dust off your boxes and see what you might have for an artifact display to accompany the HikaNation panel. Items needed for May 2022 addition to exhibit panel.
At this point we have an original Postum t-shirt, long john top, cup, patch, HikaNation buckle, knife, signed bridge poster, "Come Hike With Us" banner, HikaNation hiker certificate, President Reagan certificate, backpack, and various magazine and newspaper articles. How many have a "key to the city"? or another "key to the city"? or Butch's Bunch flag? or the HikaNation D.C. banner?
Credit will be given, if desired, for donation.
Prior to mailing anything or if you have questions, call Paula at 352-284-1325 or E-mail Paula with HikaNation artifacts in your message header.
Mark your calendars - It's going to be a great time!!!!! Check this webpage or HikaNation's Facebook page for updates.
