Photos from Janet Hartowicz-Parsons Thursday - March 24, 2022 Early Arrivals at "The House"
Photos from Janet Hartowicz-Parsons Friday - March 25, 2022 5pm Cocktail Party & Jim Kern's presentation
 Approaching Jim Kern's house St. Augustine, Florida
 Jim Kern's house St. Augustine, Florida
 Jim Kern's house St. Augustine, Florida



 Marsha & Terry Ernst, Jim Kern, & Andrew Jennings before the Cocktail Party. |
 The Boat House on Jim Kern's property. |
 Marshy views |
 Bob Ronemus, a "missing hiker" returns. |
 The Boat Dock on Jim Kern's property. |
 Lyle Bialk, Gayle Fisher, & Terry Ernst at the Friday March 25th Cocktail Party. |
March 25, 2022 - While hosting a Cocktail Party at his house for the HikaNation hikers, Jim Kern discussed the origins of HikaNation and the American Hiking Society. Paul Pritchard (co-founder of the AHS), Larry Luxenberg (President of the A.T. Museum), and Sonny "Nimblewill Nomad" (oldest A.T. thru-hiker) also spoke. Access the video here. |
 Stacey Waring, Linda Wright, Toni Martinazzi |
 Sharon Morrissey, Cindy Burke, Larry Luxenberg |
 Keith Wright, Andrew Jennings, William Ewart, Chuck Klice, Tim Geoghegan |
 Libations for the Friday March 25th Cocktail Party looked eerily similar to the December 31, 1980 libations. |
 Paula Guerrein presenting Jim Kern with an original and signed HikaNation Opening Weekend Kickoff Poster. |

Bob Ronemus, Gayle Fisher, Lyle Bialk, Cindy Burke, Linda Wright, Keith Wright, Sharon Morrissey, Toni Martinazzi, Jim Kern, William Ewart, Tim Geoghegan, Paula Guerrein, Tish Butcher, Mike Collins, Stacey Waring |

 Karen watching over the hors d'oeuvres which were more like a full meal. |
 Larry Luxenberg (President of the A.T. Museum) and M.J. Eberhart (Sonny) "Nimblewill Nomad" (oldest A.T. thru-hiker) |

 Jim Kern & AHS board members surveying the HikaNation route in 1978 or 1979. |
Photos from Janet Hartowicz-Parsons Saturday - March 26, 2022 Zoom Meetings & BBQ
 Andrew Jennings at "The House" (with the "Four Million Dollar" views). |

 Lyle Bialk, Cindy Burke, Sharon Morrissey |
March 26, 2022 - During a Zoom meeting Saturday afternoon Reese Lukei, Jr. discussed his invovlement with HikaNation and his route plannning from eastern Kentucky to the Atlantic Ocean. More topics were discussed. Access the video here. |

 Reese Lukei, Jr. 's 4pm Zoom Presentation |


6pm Zoom meeting with hikers that were not able to attend: Stan Adamson, Rich Warnick, Scott Davis, Doug Marshall, Ed Snyder, and others. |
 The BBQ
 Click here for a short BBQ video. |



Standing: Paul Pritchard, Jim Kern, Ryan Bozis, Janet Hartowicz-Parsons, Terry Ernst, Gayle Fisher, Keith Wright, Linda Wright, Cindy Burke, John Mills, Jr., Lyle Bialk, Mike Collins, Tish Butcher
Kneeling: Bob Ronemus, Sharon Morrissey, Toni Martinazzi, Stacey Waring, William Ewart, Paula Guerrein, Tim Geoghegan |