<b><font size="+1"><div align="center"><font color="#ff4500"><limittext value="WEBTV ERROR -- RELOAD PAGE"></limittext></font></div></font></b>

Using Javascript
to change colors for
bgcolor, text, link, and vlink

Use Javascript for bgcolor, text color, link and vlink colors, via <!--Kid - Kode--> .

Put this code into an "add an item"--"text" or "heading" area; or insert the script portion between the <head> and </head> tags if you are writing your page in HTML; use the code on every page that you want the changes to occur (including if you are using the "page break" feature of Webtv's PageBuilder).

Choose the page style first, then add the following codes to the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.bgColor="color name or #";
document.fgColor="color name or #";
document.linkColor="color name or #";
document.vlinkColor="color name or #";

bgColor is for the solid background color
fgColor is for the text color
linkColor is for the link color
vlinkColor is for the visited link color

NOTE: You do not need to use the opening and closing <html> tags for this code to work if you eliminate the spaces and line breaks in the code above. Do not use the "return" key when typing in the codes as demonstrated below:

<script type="text/javascript">document.bgColor="#000022";document.fgColor="#c0c0c0";document.linkColor="#ffff45";document.vlinkColor="goldenrod";</script>

And here is a webpage that will let you test your colors; and will also generate the code for you:

Made by <!--Kid - Kode--> :


NOTE: Use this in an "add an item"--"text" area at the top of your webpage to alert viewers to reload the page if the javascript has "failed" to load properly:

<div align="center">
<font size="5" color="#ff4500">
<limittext value="WEBTV ERROR -- RELOAD PAGE">

More information on the "alert" code

Other ways to change link and vlink colors

More Webtv PageBuilder help

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