--> "Advanced Editor" methodfor bgcolor, etc.
When you create a webpage with
Webtv's Pagebuilder, Webtv automatically adds a body tag which
determines the colors and background image of your webpage. In order to
use your own background image and colors, you need to "negate" / block
out the first body tag automatically added by Webtv. |
This method uses comment tags ( <!--//> and </--> )
to block out the automatically added body tag of Webtv.
( based on Paul Dutton's method )
- The webpage was initially created using the "Grey" page style,
but any page style can be selected when using the "advanced editor"
- Using the "Edit title" area, the webpage was named:
- Then this was added to an "Add an item"--"Text" area (use the
"type your text here" area, not the "optional" area)(and make sure this
section is "moved" up to the first position on the webpage):
</--><add meta tags here, if desired></head>
<body bgcolor=#000000" text="#f5deb3" link=#ffff00" vlink="#ff4500" logo="url of image">
Rest of the webpage codes here
Then pressed "Done".
- Then "published" the page.
- After the page had been published, pressed "Done" again.
- Pressed "Edit title" area again and added this to the end of the page_name used ( advancededitor2 ):
So that the area will look like this:
- Pressed "Done" and "published" the page again.
NOTE: If you want to change an existing page instead of creating an
entirely new page, then just skip steps #1 & #2 and start with step
#3 above (use #3 through #7).
WARNING: DO NOT "UNPUBLISH" the page before making the changes. (The url of the page will change if you unpublish the page and then make the changes above.)
DO NOT "UNPUBLISH" an already existing page.
If you are using page breaks and want to change each page, use steps #3
through #7 for your 1st page, and then use only steps #3 and #4 after
each page break.
NOTE: Any page style can be selected when
using an "advanced editor" method. If you include all of the content of
your webpage in the same "add an item"--"text" area that the "advanced
editor" codes are used, then standard alignment codes can be used to align text, images, tables, etc.
But the content of the page does not have to be contained
entirely in the first "add an item"--"text" area that is used for the
"advanced editor" codes. Additional "add an item" areas can be used to
add content to your webpage.
- If you later use the "add an item"--"picture"--"your scrapbook"
method to add images directly to your webpage, the page style selected
will determine the alignment of images and image-related-text that you
add to the page.
Some page styles align images to the center of the page, while others
alternate the alignment of the images to the right and left sides of
the webpage.
Click here for a list of the page style automatic image alignments.
- If you later use additional "add an item"--"text" areas to add
content to your webpage, the page style selected will determine the
alignment of the content.
Some page styles align text, etc., to the center of the page, while others align it to the left of the page.
Click here for codes to use for alignment if extra/additional "add an item"--"text" areas are used.
Click here for more detailed information concerning alignment with extra/additional "add an item"--"text" areas.
The "advanced editor" method blocks out and negates the
first body tag that Webtv automatically adds to every page
made-----this allows you to use another body tag for bgcolor or a
background image (including solid colored gifs or other images).
This is what the beginning of a page looks like when one of the "advanced editor" methods is used:
Codes that are automatically added by Webtv are in yellow.
<META NAME="generator" CONTENT="WebTV Page Builder v1.1">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Various Advanced Editor methods to
change the bgcolor, background image, text & link & vlink &
alink colors.">
( The "advanced editor" method/code below blocks out the first body tag automatically added by Webtv. )
Codes that are automatically added by Webtv are in yellow. The codes below are now blocked out and not enacted upon or "seen".
<body bgcolor="silver" text="black" link="blue" alink="red" vlink="#ff00ff">
<P ALIGN=left>
</--> ( This user-added code ends the "advanced editor" method effects. )
( The body tag below (added by the user) is the only one "seen" and enacted upon by browsers. )
<add meta tags here, if desired></head>
<body background="url of image" text="#f5deb3" link="#ffff00"
vlink="#ff4500" alink="#800000" bgcolor="#000000" logo="url of
Rest of webpage here
Webtv automatically adds the following closing tags to every webpage: