Kentucky map

Kentucky route information |
The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky details the journey with various organizational memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles. |
Unofficial Kentucky campsites

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List
 "Walking Bob" Rowe trying to stay warm (article provided by American Hiking Society) |
 Cindy Bain & Ed Duschene Somewhere near Mammoth Cave (photo by Marce Guerrein) |
 Somewhere near Mammoth Cave (photo by Tim Geoghegan) |
 Somewhere near Mammoth Cave (photo by Tim Geoghegan) |
From William Ewart's journal:
Beautiful warm day until after 330pm - then clouds overcast the sky - rain tomorrow? Surprised at the day's hike - back roads all the way up to the "near interstate
New Steering Committee may meet and cut out some days in Kentucky due to roadside camping; already eliminated a day or two of hiking west to see a waterfall. Most of the trails in Kentucky run north-to-south so hope we skip them.
Camped alongside Route 218 within site and sound of I-65 - tents on both sides of the road. Tim & Tish on higher side, watching me. When I get out Tim yells "Get back in there, you can't go out!" Later, while writing by candlelight, Tim yelled over "Go to bed William"...then we morse-coded with our flashlites.
Theoretically we were suppose to be camping on Bill Austin's farm Sunday night (tonight) after leaving Mammoth Cave, but Monty changed the campsite to avoid a 16.2 mile day.