
Mammoth Cave National Park Campground to
Somewhere along Route 218 near Interstate 65, Kentucky
~ 12.5 miles - Sunday - February 15, 1981 - Day 310

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Kentucky map

Kentucky route information
The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky
details the journey with various organizational
memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.
Unofficial Kentucky campsites

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List

"Walking Bob" Rowe trying to stay warm
(article provided by American Hiking Society)

Cindy Bain & Ed Duschene
Somewhere near Mammoth Cave
(photo by Marce Guerrein)

Somewhere near Mammoth Cave
(photo by Tim Geoghegan)

Somewhere near Mammoth Cave
(photo by Tim Geoghegan)

From William Ewart's journal:

Beautiful warm day until after 330pm - then clouds overcast the sky - rain tomorrow? Surprised at the day's hike - back roads all the way up to the "near interstate campsite".

New Steering Committee may meet and cut out some days in Kentucky due to roadside camping; already eliminated a day or two of hiking west to see a waterfall. Most of the trails in Kentucky run north-to-south so hope we skip them.

Camped alongside Route 218 within site and sound of I-65 - tents on both sides of the road. Tim & Tish on higher side, watching me. When I get out Tim yells "Get back in there, you can't go out!" Later, while writing by candlelight, Tim yelled over "Go to bed William"...then we morse-coded with our flashlites.

Theoretically we were suppose to be camping on Bill Austin's farm Sunday night (tonight) after leaving Mammoth Cave, but Monty changed the campsite to avoid a 16.2 mile day.

February 14, 1981 (previous day) February 15, 1981 (Today) February 16, 1981 (next day)
HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky Daily Campsite Index

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