
Rest Day
Mammoth Cave National Park Campground, Kentucky
0.0 miles - Saturday - February 14, 1981 - Day 309

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Kentucky map

Kentucky route information
The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky
details the journey with various organizational
memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.

Unofficial Kentucky campsites

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List

Mammoth Cave Entrance
(photo by Susan "Butch" Henley
or Rex Halfpenny)

Dave Backus and Tim Geoghegan
(photo by Tim Geoghegan)

Mammoth Cave Entrance
(photo by Marce Guerrein)
Historic Cave Tour - Mammoth Cave

(provided by Linda Hull & Keith Wright)

Valentine's Day tent decorations
(photo by Susan "Butch" Henley)
Mammoth Cave National Park Map
HikaNation's Hiking Route
into the Mammoth Cave National Park

Backcountry Use Information
Mammoth Cave National Park

Tish Butcher
Mammoth Cave National Park Campground
(photo by Tim Geoghegan)
From William Ewart's journal:

No grocery run today - Monty went to meet the Kentucky coordinator in Russell Springs. But we're in or pass through a 2000+ population town tomorrow so no matter. No laundry run either today.

In the 40's and 50's today - winter backed off again.

Mammoth Cave tour at 9am - not as impressive scenic-ly as Blanchard Spring Caverns in Arkansas, but still impressive. This one had huge open passageways, huge rooms, narrow passages, winding staircases - felt like I was in the early stages of a subway construction. Gestapo Lady followed us, always a few paces behind, insuring no one would duck into a side cave - she said very little. Total darkness segment of the tour was neat - could not see your hand in front of your face.

Throughout the tour, I and then Randy played the recorder -- fantastic echos and fantastic acoustics -- recorder sounded great. AND apparently when I first started playing it, in the first large "room", I VISIBLY STARTLED the tour guide up front. Guide told Rich or Randy they had never had music played before and it surprised him.

New steering committee elected - Dave Backus, Tim Ernst, Cindy Burke, "Butch" Henley, and Jerry Benson. I ran but was a loser. Discussion of the A.T. - many apprehensive of doing high mileages 13+.

Good news from my hike and money manager brother, David...I'll be getting a combined $446 refund from Federal and State taxes. Current finances before the refund...852 savings, 175 cash, 32 checking = 1059 -- easily enough to finish the hike. No more equipment to buy but might need new tires for the car after the hike. Guess I'll eat out for breakfast day after tomorrow - only twice in the last 2 months!!

February 13, 1981 (previous day) February 14, 1981 (Today) February 15, 1981 (next day)
HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky Daily Campsite Index

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