40th Anniversary HikaNation Reunion (postponed due to Covid-19 pandemic) St. Augustine, Florida
After being postponed twice due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the dates for the new "42nd Anniversary HikaNation Reunion" are March 24th - 27th, 2022. Jim Kern will be hosting the event in St. Augustine, Florida. Access to that new page is below: 42nd Anniversary HikaNation Reunion
NOTE: The reunion has been POSTPONED to March 24th - 27th, 2022. The poster below does not reflect the new 2022 dates or schedule but the new schedule should be very similar. A new poster will be added ASAP.
 (click on poster for larger version)
NOTE: The reunion has been POSTPONED to March 24th - 27th, 2022. The information below does not reflect the new 2022 dates or schedule but the new schedule should be very similar. Updated information will be added ASAP.
From Tish Butcher, October 29, 2018:
40th HikaNation Reunion in St. Augustine, FL
Dip your boots in the Atlantic Ocean once again
NOTE: The reunion has been POSTPONED to March 24th - 27th, 2022. The information below does not reflect the new 2022 dates or schedule but the new schedule should be very similar. Updated information will be added ASAP.
Enjoy reminiscing all weekend in addition to exploring St Augustine.
Janet & Doug will be renting a large house in Valino Beach.
If you would like to stay here (in your own room, share a room, the floor, or tent),
contact Janet (jhartowicz@comcast.net) by May 2019. Cost will be split between those staying here.
Tenting: at Jim Kern's, space for 5 tents, primitive.
Camping: at Anastasia State Park 904-461-2033, Reserveamerica.com .
Hampton Inn Vilano Beach, 95 Vilano Rd., St Augustine -- 904-827-9797
Best Western Bayfront, 16 Avenida Menendez, St. Augustine -- 904-824-4482
St Augustine is 50 miles from Jacksonville (JAX),
50 miles from Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB),
and 100 miles from Orlando (MCO).
Tentative schedule (revised dates):
Friday April 16
Welcome reception 5-8 pm, at Jim Kern's, cocktails and food
Saturday April 17
Reminiscing throughout the day
Speakers: 2-4 pm HikaNation history TBA
Dinner: Doug's famous BBQ 5 pm
Sunday April 18
Brunch and group picture at 10 am
Local Activities:
Besides reminiscing and the usual: St Augustine offers many opportunities for visitors
including the historical downtown, hiking, walking on the beach, deep sea fishing, scenic
cruises, helicopter tours, etc.
Looking for anyone to create logo or be responsible for logo items (such as the glasses Doug made for the last reunion). If interested, please contact Janet. (Click here to see the 35th anniversary 2015 reunion's logo, glasses, shirts, etc.)
Mark your calendars - It's going to be a great time!!!!!
Additional information will be distributed as the date nears. Check this webpage or HikaNation's Facebook page for updates.
Printable "40th HikaNation Reunion" flyers:
Black text on white background White text on black background
March 13, 2020 Reunion postponment announcement
NOTE: After being postponed twice due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the official new dates for the "40th Anniversary HikaNation Reunion" are March 24th - 27th, 2022. Jim Kern will be hosting the event in St. Augustine, Florida.