A precise unit of hiking distance which was conceived of and
advocated as a hiking standard by the chemist, Dr. Glenn Seaborg. Unfortunately, the length of the Seaborg Mile was one of Dr. Seaborg's most closely and jealously guarded secrets. However, it is estimated that the Seaborg Mile is between 2517 and 47562 feet in length.

And verily it came to pass that on the twelfth day of April in the year Nineteen Hundred and Eighty, in a small town known as San Francisco, a hardy group of people gathered by the sea to test Dr. Seaborg's theories. Many of these people were ready to dedicate more than a year of their life to this noble calling, others could only dedicate a day or a month. But none of them were really prepared for that reality which is known as the Seaborg Mile.
The searing heat and the blistering sun of that first day took it's toll and shook the resolve of many. Some of this intrepid band did not survive that first gruelling day, but most did. And they hiked - testing countless Seaborg Miles, day after day. Through dessert and over mountains they hiked. Searing heat and sub-zero cold couldn't stop them. Some of the natives, out of fear of these crazy people, shied away from our hardy travelers. Others would get out their trusty rifles and use our travelers for target practice. Still others became the hikers' friends. And then one day they were rewarded by the sound of seagulls and the soft roar of waves gently caressing the sand on the Delaware shore.
And this ragged group had a name, and it was HikaNation. And many looked upon these strange and wonderful people as GODS. But when you look beyond the glamour that was HikaNation (and of course Monique), past the mounds of M&Ms and the endless cups of Postum, beneath the dirty socks and the rotting sneakers, you find that they were, after all, just people.

This is their Story
