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The HikaNation Song
We have chased the dessert sunsets,
Saught the freedom and the peace,
That this land holds in abundance till it's found,
We have walked through rough terrain,
Though our bodies ached with pain,
and slept in simple shelters on the ground.
We have seen the mighty canyons
copper hued and summer gold,
Cooled ourselves in pools of water emerald green.
We have walked the great divide,
Mountain peaks on every side,
and endured the winter's wet and cold.
From the efforts of endurance,
we have learned to strengthen minds,
For the tasks and trials of living day to day.
In the wilderness we learned,
What is given is returned,
and the soul's rewards are quietly stored away.
chorus :
We've been hiking across America,
We've been walking to promote good hiking trails,
We want to show our resect for natural wonders,
and insure the outdoor way of life prevails,
We are hiking for HikaNation,
We are hiking for HikaNation.

And now, a few words from an Appalachian Trail Register :

Don't let that William fool you. Gourmet? Hah! For the past 358 days he has lived on peanut butter for lunch & a gravy mix, minute rice and 3 1/2 oz.
can of tuna fish for dinner. That "5 minute dinner special" is astonishingly bland. He's the only member of HikaNation who has improved his diet,
His repitoire of seven songs on the recorder were played EVERY NIGHT from California through to middle Kentucky where he teamed up with Scott on
guitar and finally (finally!!) learned some new material. There were some evenings where I could've crammed "The Ash Grove" back down his.... well,
that's not nice.

HikaNation Archives created by Randy Blymire -- April 22, 1996