Virginians Pack for
Trans-U.S. Trail Hike
April 10, 1980


John Mills
no stranger
to long walks

Click images for larger versions.

Article provided by Paula Guerrein and Marce Guerrein.

Two of The Virginians
Kurt and Marce Guerrein
The Sierras in California
May 1980

John Mills' article
provided by the American Hiking Society.

The Virginians

John, Cindy, Marce, Butch, Stacey
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Saturday - May 9, 1981
(photo provided by Marce Guerrein)

The Virginians

Marce Guerrein, Susan "Butch" Henley, Stacey Waring,
John Mills, Cindy Bain
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
Saturday - May 9, 1981
(photo provided by Mike Collins)

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search engine keywords:
by Kerry Dougherty, Washington Post Staff Writer, Marceline Guerrein, Marce, Cindy Bain, Cindy Burke, Kurt Guerrein, Carl Guerrein
Dan Smith, Special to the Roanoke Times & World News, Mike McReynolds, Pony Express mail delivery route