MARCIE GUERREIN MEMORY David Chernow - August 16 2010 10:43AM
I have a very fond memory of Marcie. One that I have treasured throughout my life . . . and one that solidified a close relationship with her from that day forward.
It was during a very frightening hike just outside of Silverton, Colorado as we made our way across the Divide. If I remember correctly, it was on a trail referred to by some hikers as "The Razorback." It was above the tree line, and the entire trail consisted of very large and jagged boulders that went straight up for what seemed like . . . forever. The weather this day was an extreme mixture of high winds, rain and hail. The wind was so strong that Marcie was being blown off the trail. To ensure her safety . . . or should I say to keep her from becoming a kite on the wind . . . I held her hand the entire distance.
She never let me forget how grateful she was . . . and on occasion she would say to me "chivalry is not dead."
Marcie was a pleasure to be around . . . always.
She was strong . . . and yet charming and gracious . . . a true lady.
I have never forgotten Marcie . . . or this moment in life!
( Comment retreived from an old guestook ) |
The Knife Edge Continental Divide Trail August 31, 1980 -- Day 142

( Photos from William Ewart's The States - Colorado - Page 2 ) |