Almost Final Cut HikaNation Exhibit photos
Friday, August 31, 2018

  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
(1) Large photo consideration: #13 or #14
#13 postum-cover-bridge-300dpi.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 10.42"
2400 x 3125
Use only 1:
#13 or #14

Hikers crossing the Oakland Bay Bridge,
led by Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
and Kurt Burke.

An estimated 7,000 people showed up for
the HikaNation kickoff and bridge closing.

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
Hiking Society
#14 McReynolds-037.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.38"
2400 x 1615
Use only 1:
#13 or #14

Edna Schoenfeld,
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Kurt Burke (far right).

An estimated 7,000 people showed up for
the HikaNation kickoff and bridge closing.

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Mike McReynolds
(5) Small photo consideration
#8 Backpacker HikaNation Ad
300 DPI
8.00" x 2.59"
2400 x 777

Original image link
150 DPI -- 7.27" x 2.38" -- 1090 x 357

Hikers Needed to Hike Across the United States
Backpacker Magazine--August 1978

screen grab
from magazine:
August 1978 issue
#16 Parade-Day-1981-

600 DPI (not 8" wide)
4.55" x 6.09"
2730 x 3656
Use only 1:
#16 or #15

(screen grab from Mountainer pdf
with Mountaineer magazine logo at top removed)

John Stout w/flag, with crowd on Capitol stairs.

HikaNation was not protesting but instead
showed support for more trail funding
from Congress.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
K. Jewell Mountaineer
Magazine pdf
#15 stout-flag-stairs.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.50"
3199 x 2199
Use only 1:
#16 or #15

John Stout w/flag, with crowd on Capitol stairs.

HikaNation was not protesting but instead
showed support for more trail funding
from Congress.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#19 tye-river-bridge.jpg
Butch's Bunch

400 DPI 8.00" x 5.5"
3199 x 2199
Tye River along the Tidewater ATC section of
the Appalachian Trail with Susan "Butch" Henley,
Mary Oswald, Rex Halfpenny, Bruce Ohlson, and
Reese Lukei, Jr. (Virginia Coordinator).

A.T. and Tye River, Virginia

March or April 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#37 RH-170.jpg

400 DPI8.00" x 12.36"
3199 x 4943
Use only 1:
#37 or #29

On-site HikaNation coordinator
Monty Montgomery registering hikers
for the C&O Canal hike into D.C

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981

Note: Another "candidate" was
Monty's van pix from Jim Kern's book;
but AHS-03.jpg was only 72 DPI.
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny
#29 RH-013.jpg
400 DPI8.00" x 5.20"
3199 x 2079
Use only 1:
#37 or #29

Rainbow afternoon over
on-site HikaNation coordinator
Monty Montgomery's
support vehicles.

Near Hawthorne, Nevada

May 14, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny
#10 mississippi-300dpi-8inchwidth.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.28"
2400 x 1884
Note: Person in middle, standing,
with green shirt and grey&blue vest on
needs to be "blurred out" of recognition or
"Photoshopped out" before this image can be used.

Use only 1:
#10 or #20

Group photo just before
crossing the icy Mississippi River.

Mississippi River
Wittenburg Ferry crossing, Missouri

January 15, 1981

Also availble:
600 DPI -- 8.00" x 6.28" -- 4800 x 3769
Tim Ernst Tim Ernst
#20 harpers-ferry-2.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.86"
3200 x 2344
Use only 1:
#10 or #20

Group photo at ATC Headquarters,
Harpers Ferry celebration.

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981
  Reese Lukei, Jr.

Potential HikaNation Exhibit photos -- pre-Thursday, August 30th

with Paula's text version for the exhibit:
HikaNation panel 8.3.docx

Paragraph A

2 versions
HikaNation - A historic backpack across America
*A 14-month cross-country journey from 4-12-1980 to 5-27-1981
*Started in San Francisco, CA and ended in Cape Henlopen, DE
*Mission was multifaceted, highlighted need for more trails
*Organizers were Jim Kern, Bill Kemsley Jr., Paul Pritchard, and
  Glenn Seaborg, all supporters of the newly formed American Hiking Society
*Hiker sign-up promoted in Backpacker Magazine
HikaNation was a 14-month cross-country backpacking trip starting
at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, California on April 12, 1980, and
ending at Cape Henlopen, Delaware on May 27, 1981 after traversing
over 4,286 miles and passing through 14 states and Washington, D.C.

Purposes for the hike included highlighting the need for more hiking
trails across America and promoting hiking as a low energy consumption
form of recreation.

HikaNation was organized by Jim Kern, William Kemsley, Jr., Paul Pritchard,
and Glenn Seaborg, and was sponsored by the American Hiking Society, the
United States Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and Recreation
Service, Postum, Backpacker magazine and others.

While each state had a HikaNation coordinator who planned the route and
some activities through the state, Monty Montgomery was the HikaNation
"on-site" Hike Coordinator. Monty drove his van and airstream trailer parallel
to the HikaNation route and provided numerous functions.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#1 logo-300dpi-8inch.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 8.00"
2400 x 2400
Use only 1:
#1 or #2

HikaNation patch logo.

The "HikaNation" name came from a
Backpacker Magazine reader contest.

Bruce Ohlson's version (link below)
unfortunately does not meet exhibit requirements:
150 DPI -- 5.60" x 5.69" -- 840 x 853
William Ewart William Ewart
#2 logo.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 7.53"
2400 x 2258
Use only 1:
#1 or #2

HikaNation logo with sponsors
American Hiking Society and
U.S. Department of the Interior.

The "HikaNation" name came from a
Backpacker Magazine reader contest.
#3 HikaNationLH.jpg
Ryan's HikaNation stationery

600 DPI 8.00" x 10.35"
4800 x 6212
I created the HikaNation letterhead at the request
of Bruce Ohlson. I don't remember the details of
the process, but I somehow got hold of markers and
paper and drew a caricature of a backpacker walking
across America from coast to coast.

Ryan Bozis

Also available:
600 DPI -- 8.44" x 10.92" -- 5061 x 6550
Ryan Bozis Ryan Bozis
#4 trio of organizers
    Waiting for photo to be submitted

Which three ??:
Jim Kern, Bill Kemsley, &
(Pritchard, Seaborg, Evans, McReynolds or ?)

Photo from/of Kern/Reese/Pritchard
of organizers may become available.

American Hiking Society Founding President Jim Kern,
Backpacker Magazine publisher William Kemsley Jr.,
and ATC director Paul Pritchard were the
dreamers and organizers of the HikaNation event.

Paragraph B

A 4,326-mile "super hike"
A very unusual group of hikers per Ed Garvey

"A super hike on the A.T." is what Ed Garvey wrote to American Forestry Magazine in
April 1981. For 500 A.T. miles in Virginia and West Virginia, a core group of nearly 40
hikers were nearing the end of their cross-country trek. "The state of Virginia will have
witnessed the passage of a very unusual group of hiker... The trail has seen hundreds of
'2000 milers', but this will be a '4000 miler' group," said Garvey.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
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inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#5 RH-159.jpg
Ed Garvey along the A.T.

400 DPI 8.00" x 12.30"
3199 x 4942
Ed Garvey
(Harpers Ferry Coordinator
& C&O Canal Pathfinder)
greets the HikaNation hikers.

Ed Garvey led HikaNation down
the C&O canal and organized the
Harpers Ferry event.

Bootens Gap, Shenandoah National Park

April 27, 1981
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny
#6 looking-in-tent.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.20"
2399 x 1559
Use only 1, or neither:
#6 or #7

Record Snowstorm Clobbers 2 States
March 19 - 24, 1981

William Ewart looking back
to hikers in the tent in photo above.

near Trimpi Lean-to, Virginia

March 21, 1981 -- Day 344
Shellie Newell William Ewart
#7 filming-in-snow.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 3.99"
2399 x 1197
Use only 1, or neither:
#6 or #7

Record Snowstorm Clobbers 2 States
March 19 - 24, 1981

John Olmsted & assistant filming
hikers (William Ewart & Shellie Newell)
on the A.T. snowy path.

near Trimpi Lean-to, Virginia

March 21, 1981 -- Day 344
Mike Halm William Ewart

Paragraph C

Promoted hiking and need for trails
Backpacker Magazine invited all hikers to join

Bold thinking led to the idea that this would be an event like none other. Sponsored by
the American Hiking Society, the U.S. Department of the Interior, Backpacker Magazine,
and Postum, its multiple purpose was to spur interest in hiking, promote the need for
more trails and create a national east-west cross-country trail route.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#8 Backpacker HikaNation Ad
300 DPI
8.00" x 2.59"
2400 x 777
Use only 1:
#8 or #9

Original image link
150 DPI -- 7.27" x 2.38" -- 1090 x 357

Hikers Needed to Hike Across the United States
Backpacker Magazine--August 1978
screen grab
from magazine:
August 1978 issue
#9 McReynolds-001-map.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.13"
2400 x 1538
Use only 1:
#8 or #9

Map of HikaNation route.

The original route planned for HikaNation
was from San Francisco to Washington, D.C.

Another map version may become available.
Mike McReynolds Mike McReynolds

Paragraph D

Hikers came from all walks of life
No requirements, just show up

Backpacker Magazine invited readers to participate and organizers expected experienced
backpackers to sign up. With no physical, medical or backpacking experience
requirements, the 87 backpackers who enlisted to go the entire distance ranged in age
from 68 to a couple with a 5-month-old baby, and some who had no hiking experience.
While 37 backpackers finished the entire hike, it was estimated that 13,000 hikers joined
to walk at least some of the trail along the way. Retired USAF Lt. Col. Lawrence
"Monty" Montgomery served as onsite coordinator and van support, scouting the daily
route, alerting communities of the group's arrival, doing mail pickups, providing water in
dry areas, and transporting sick or injured backpackers. The backpackers elected
committees to handle day-to-day issues, rules of order, conduct, welcoming newcomers
and celebrating birthdays.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#10 mississippi-300dpi-8inchwidth.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.28"
2400 x 1884
Note: Person in middle, standing,
with green shirt and grey&blue vest on
needs to be "blurred out" of recognition or
"Photoshopped out" before this image can be used.

Group photo just before
crossing the icy Mississippi River.

Mississippi River
Wittenburg Ferry crossing, Missouri

January 15, 1981

Also availble:
600 DPI -- 8.00" x 6.28" -- 4800 x 3769
Tim Ernst Tim Ernst
#18 AHS-03-book.jpg
Monty's van pix from Jim's book

72 DPI   Image may become available:
Monty's van pix from Jim's book.
(Only 72 DPI - did not meet requirements.)

Image #29 and Image #37
are also candidates for
Monty/van/airstream trailer photo.
Both are currently in the
"Images not used" section.

On-site HikaNation coordinator
Ret. USAF Lt. Col. "Monty" Montgomery's
van & airstream support was crucial to the
success of HikaNation.
  Jim Kern
#11 Stan-HikaNation-Halstead-Kansas-grayscale.jpg

will need "editing")
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.30"
2400 x 1889
Use only 1, or neither:
#11 or #12

The photo was taken at Kurt's Dairy Inn,
an ice cream shop at the north end of Halstead,
Kansas. The group had been bused up to
Halstead to see the Kansas Health Museum.
(more to the story)

Halstead, Kansas

October or November, 1980
Bob Mills Stan Adamson
#12 family-400dpi.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 6.40"
3200 x 2560
Use only 1, or neither:
#11 or #12

(front row):
Toni Martinazzi ("Ma"), Marika Matyus ("Sis"),
Howard Gilby ("Little Bro")
(next row):
Tim Geoghegan ("Bro"), Jerri "Rip" Hudson ("Little Sis"),
Randy Blymire ("Tall Bro"), Shellie Newell ("Sis"),
Dave Backus ("Bro"), Janet Parsons ("Sis"),
Joe Shute ("Pa")

Shellie's comment from Facebook:
"My HikaNation "family" that Janet gathered around
her from Day 4 of The Hike to today, consisting of
"Sis, Little Sis, Bro, Tall Bro, Little Bros, Ma and Pa."
More folks to cherish."

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981
  William Ewart

Paragraph E

The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge closing
A historic first and only closing, a monumental logistical challenge

In a historic first, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge was partially closed to traffic so
the backpackers and a crowd of 10,000 well wishers, onlookers, and the just plain curious
could start the adventure. Experienced coordinators selected the routes through each state
and guided them to the next, 14 states in all. The commemorative celebration was held at
the U.S. Capitol, where representatives from Congress spoke to the backpackers, each
carrying their own state flags.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#13 postum-cover-bridge-300dpi.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 10.42"
2400 x 3125
Use only 1:
#13 or #14

Hikers crossing the Oakland Bay Bridge,
led by Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
and Kurt Burke.

An estimated 7,000 people showed up for
the HikaNation kickoff and bridge closing.

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
Hiking Society
#14 McReynolds-037.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.38"
2400 x 1615
Use only 1:
#13 or #14

Edna Schoenfeld,
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Kurt Burke (far right).

An estimated 7,000 people showed up for
the HikaNation kickoff and bridge closing.

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Mike McReynolds
#15 stout-flag-stairs.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.50"
3199 x 2199
Use only 1:
#15 or #16

John Stout w/flag, with crowd on Capitol stairs.

HikaNation was not protesting but instead
showed support for more trail funding
from Congress.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#16 Parade-Day-1981-

600 DPI (not 8" wide)
4.55" x 6.09"
2730 x 3656
Use only 1:
#15 or #16

(screen grab from Mountainer pdf
with Mountaineer magazine logo at top removed)

John Stout w/flag, with crowd on Capitol stairs.

HikaNation was not protesting but instead
showed support for more trail funding
from Congress.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
K. Jewell Mountaineer
Magazine pdf

Paragraph F

The American Discovery Trail is born
HikaNation data useful in official east-west cross-country scouting expedition

Experiences, feedback and data from HikaNation were useful in establishing a route for
the American Discovery Trail, a 6,800-mile cross-country trail from California
to Delaware. In a category of its own as a Discovery Trail, it draws hikers, bicyclists,
horseback riders and runners, through small towns and big city greenways, connecting
the country to the cities of America.
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#17 RH-048.jpg
HikaNation Steering Committee

400 DPI8.00" x 5.20"
3199 x 2079
Use or not ?

Steering Committee route planning meeting
with Al Frost, Utah Pathfinder
(l. to r.: ??, Al Frost, Susan "Butch" Henley,
Dwight Riggs, Monty Montgomery,
Monique Bertrand or Edna Schoenfeld)

Monticello, Utah

August 2, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny

Paragraph G

HikaNation and the A.T.
Trail clubs, officials, welcome HikaNation and ask them to spread out

Though the A.T. was a key route for the final leg of HikaNation, the impact of such a
large backpacking group was not overlooked. To lessen the strain on trail facilities, the
backpackers spread out and were required to obtain proper permits and follow A.T.
regulations, so as not to affect the needs of other hikers. In addition, many individuals
associated with the A.T. played critical roles in ensuring the hike continued toward the
coast. Members of the ATC and individual trail clubs provided logistical support, route
finding, agency coordination, welcome events, trail dedications, a 1-year HikaNation
anniversary commemoration, and hosted the arrival event in Harper's Ferry marking the
culmination of the hike's journey on the A.T.

It was said of the adventure that,
"It was one, long handshake across America."
  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#19 tye-river-bridge.jpg
Butch's Bunch

400 DPI 8.00" x 5.5"
3199 x 2199
Use only 1? :
#19 or #20

Tye River along the Tidewater ATC section of
the Appalachian Trail with Susan "Butch" Henley,
Mary Oswald, Rex Halfpenny, Bruce Ohlson, and
Reese Lukei, Jr. (Virginia Coordinator).

A.T. and Tye River, Virginia

March or April 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#20 harpers-ferry-2.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.86"
3200 x 2344
Use only 1? :
#19 or #20

Group photo at ATC Headquarters,
Harpers Ferry celebration.

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981
  Reese Lukei, Jr.

Additional potential exhibition photos:
  1. Reese Lukei, Jr.'s HikaNation photos
  2. Mike McReynolds' HikaNation photos
  3. William Ewart's HikaNation photos,
    after 12/19/2018 (starting with Missouri)
And other slides available for scanning,
but in Terry Ernst's possession:
  1. Butch's HikaNation photos
  2. Rex's HikaNation photos
And other slides available for scanning,
but in Tim Geoghegan's possession:
  1. Tim Geoghegan's HikaNation photos
And other slides available for scanning,
but in Rex Halfpenny's possession:
  1. Rex Halfpenny's HikaNation photos

Images not used below

  Image filename
(click filename to view full image)
(and right click to download)
Image DPI Image Dimensions,
width x height:
inches & pixels
Image Description
Location & Date
taken by
received from
#21 McReynolds-015-b.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.44"
3200 x 2176
San Francisco, California
Golden Gate Park - Polo Grounds
Opening Ceremonies

April 12, 1980
  Mike McReynolds
#22 McReynolds-028.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.42"
2400 x 1627
The Black Raven Pipers Band
led the hikers for the first one and a half miles of
the hike from the Polo Grounds to the Pacific Ocean.

San Francisco, California
Golden Gate Park - Polo Grounds
Opening Ceremonies

April 12, 1980
  Mike McReynolds
#23 McReynolds-036.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.41"
2400 x 1623
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Norman Gee?, Kurt Burke

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
  Mike McReynolds
#24 the-beginning-photo.jpg

(original photo is
currently unavailable)
300 DPI (not 8" wide)

5.33" x 6.73"
1200 x 2019
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
Norman Gee?

Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Gudy Gaskill
#25 McReynolds-038.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.39"
2400 x 1618
Oakland Bay Bridge, California

April 13, 1980
  Mike McReynolds
#26 tildenpark.jpg
300 DPI (not 8" wide)


5.79" x 3.84"
1737 x 1152
After hiking across the Oakland Bay Bridge,
the route took us through Berkeley and
into the first significant trails of the hike,
to this eventual destination.

Tilden Park, California

April 13, 1980 -- Day 2
Dr. James Ewart William Ewart
#27 Marce-John-Jeannie.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.40"
2400 x 1920
Marce Guerrein, John Stout, Jeannie Harmon
with backpacks
Rex Halfpenny John Stout or
Hiking Society
#28 comfort-photo.jpg

(original photo is
currently unavailable)
300 DPI (not 8" wide)

5.33" x 6.73"
1200 x 2019
Monty Montgomery cutting
Susan "Butch" Henley's hair
Rex Halfpenny Gudy Gaskill
#29 RH-013.jpg
400 DPI8.00" x 5.20"
3199 x 2079
Use only 1:
#37 or #29

Rainbow afternoon over
on-site HikaNation coordinator
Monty Montgomery's
support vehicles.

Near Hawthorne, Nevada

May 14, 1980
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny
#30 halloween-10-31-1980.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 5.50"
3200 x 2200
HikaNation Halloween costumers:
Phil Atkins, Marce Guerrein,
Linda Stoneman, Janet Parsons
Jeannie Harmon

3 miles west of Burden, Kansas

October 31, 1980
William Ewart William Ewart
#32 2-tents-in-snow.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.20"
2399 x 1559
Record Snowstorm Clobbers 2 States
March 19 - 24, 1981

Tents in the snow.

near Killinger Lean-to, Virginia

March 23, 1981 -- Day 346
William Ewart William Ewart
#33 water-bottle-in-snow.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 5.20"
2399 x 1560
Record Snowstorm Clobbers 2 States
March 19 - 24, 1981

Snow covered picnic table,
with a water bottle embedded in the snow.

Killinger Lean-to, Virginia

March 23, 1981 -- Day 346
William Ewart William Ewart
#34 butchs-bunch.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide Tidewater ATC area gathering along the AT
with Susan "Butch" Henley, Bruce Ohlson,
Mary Oswald, Rex Halfpenny

Tidewater ATC area, Virginia

March or April 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#35 hollins-college-lunch.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide HikaNation 1-year celebration

Hollins College, Virginia

April 11, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#36 pyles-c-o-canal.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide Heading to D.C. with
Gomer, Jiamie, Gayle Rainbow, Janet Parsons

Along the C&O Canal, Maryland

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#37 RH-170.jpg

400 DPI8.00" x 12.36"
3199 x 4943
Use only 1:
#37 or #29

On-site HikaNation coordinator
Monty Montgomery registering hikers
for the C&O Canal hike into D.C

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981
Rex Halfpenny Rex Halfpenny
#38 8-at-atc-headquarters.jpg
Butch's Bunch

400 DPI 8" wide HikaNation hikers in front of ATC Headquarters:
Keith Wright, Mary Oswald, Rex Halfpenny,
Linda Hull, Jerry Benson, Susan "Butch" Henley,
Bruce Olhson, Lyle Bialk
(Butch's Bunch)

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

May 9, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#39 parade-street.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide Hikers parading down a street
in Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#40 washington-monument.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide Note: Person on right, standing,
wearing blue-black shorts, red headband,
and no shirt needs to be "blurred out" of recognition
or "Photoshopped out" before this image can be used.

Group photo in front of
the Washington Monument

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#41 speech-capitol-steps.jpg
400 DPI 8.00" x 12.36"
3198 x 4942
Hikers sitting and listening
to speeches on Capitol steps

Capitol steps, Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#42 speech-stairs-300dpi-8inches.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 10.19"
2400 x 3057
Hikers sitting and listening
to speeches on Capitol steps

Capitol steps, Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
K. Jewell John Stout,
Gomer Pyles'
name on
back of photo
#43 speech-stairs.jpg
400 DPI 8" wide Another version of
hikers sitting and listening
to speeches on Capitol steps

Washington, D.C.

May 13, 1981
Reese Lukei, Jr. Reese Lukei, Jr.
#44 SBH-340.jpg
A higher resolution image
may become available.

Does not currently
meet exhibit requirements

72 DPI
Map of HikaNation route   Susan "Butch" Henley
#45 usa612x409_b.jpg
Does not currently
meet exhibit requirements

72 DPI
Map of HikaNation route

"Created" on the internet, sometime around 2000.
Higher DPI of current image is "above my paygrade".
William Ewart William Ewart
#46 ADT Map
Does not currently
meet exhibit requirements

Need to check with ADT for a
more detailed map
American Discovery Trail map

The Father of the American Discovery Trail
#47 John-Stout-cooking-1.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.40"
2400 x 1920
John Stout cooking in the winter Rex Halfpenny John Stout or
Hiking Society
#48 John-Stout-cooking-2.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.40"
2400 x 1920
John Stout cooking in the winter Rex Halfpenny John Stout or
Hiking Society
#49 John-Stout.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 9.93"
2400 x 2980
John Stout with backpack Rex Halfpenny John Stout or
Hiking Society
#50 Nevada-circle.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 6.40"
2400 x 1920
Hikers seated in a circle in Nevada ? Rex Halfpenny John Stout or
Hiking Society
#51 Helen-John-Stout.jpg
300 DPI 8.00" x 10.44"
2400 x 3131
Helen and John Stout
with HikaNation map in background
  John Stout
#52 Bruce by Rex
300 DPI 8.00" x 10.00"
2399 x 2999
Bruce Olhson with backpack Rex Halfpenny Bruce Olhson
#53 Bruce-Olhson.jpg

(original photo is
currently unavailable)
240 DPI 3.46" x 4.75"
830 x 1139
Bruce Olhson with a backpack Rex Halfpenny Bruce Olhson
#54 Cindy-Monty-key.jpg

(original photo is
currently unavailable)
72 DPI 2358 x 1889 Cindy Bain and Monty Montgomery
with a "Key to the City"
of Grand Tower, Illinois

Grand Tower, Illinois

January 15, 1981
Rex Halfpenny Marce &
Paula Guerrein
#55 Marce-Jeannie.jpg

(original photo is
currently unavailable)
72 DPI 2398 x 1891 Marce Guerrein and Jeannie Harmon
with backpacks
Rex Halfpenny Marce &
Paula Guerrein
Potential Exhibit photos
From Gwen, the AT Museum Exhibit coordinator, concerning the HikaNation Exhibit:
the very minimum resolution for images is 300 dpi with final image width at 8". If uncertain as to quality of original or scan, you can arrange to have the owner of the image mail the original directly to the graphic designers. They will take it from there and return safely to the owner. Gwen can provide the address when needed.


Paula's ideas & comments for Exhibit Group photos:

1) A pristine bridge photo. I have Jim K looking , Craig Evans and Mike McReynolds looking.

2) A pristine Capitol DC photo with John Stout. Mountaineer magazine said they would try when back from vacation, and Jim K. is looking.
See Parade Day photo above:
William's is 600 DPI of a screengrab from on-line Mountaineer pdf.
Also see images in "Reese rescans" above.

3) Terry Ernst photo of the Mississippi River crossing.
See Mississippi River photos above--William's copy is not as good as Tim Geoghegan's copy---Tim needs to be contacted so his copy can be rescanned at 300 DPI or 600 DPI.

4) Anything from Hollins College on AT perhaps? That group photo I think is pretty good camera...or if there was one from Harper's Ferry. Something AT...
Reese's Harpers Ferry photo is available above.

5) The DE boot dip and circle.

Paula's ideas & comments for Exhibit Hiking photos with smaller groups/indiv:

1) Something showing smaller group hiking or relaxing on AT.
Reese and group at Tye River along the Tidewater ATC section of the AT -- March 1981:
tye-river-bridge.jpg -- Butch's Bunch

2) A "loner" type photo showing that ya'll were spread out on walking ( person up close and in distance others behind )

3) A nice individual scenic photo, one of those you see in calendar?

4) A snow shot of tent with frost inside, or snow on AT.
Tim Geoghegan's photos below, all would need to be rescanned.
William should have some snow shots in his slides...searching later.

5) Steering committee photo around campfire?
8/2/1980 -- Steering Committee route plan meeting with Utah Pathfinder Al Frost
Rex Halfpenny's photo below, and it would need to be rescanned.
RH-048.jpg -- not 300 dpi -- 72 dpi

6) Monty van pix (I have Jim looking from his book)
5/14/1980 -- Rainbow afternoon over support vehicle, near Hawthorne, Nevada
Rex Halfpenny's photo below, and it would need to be rescanned.
RH-013.jpg -- not 300 dpi -- 72 dpi

7) The one of Ed Garvey (the ATC loves him)
4/27/1981 -- Ed Garvey meets hikers at Bootens Gap, Shenandoah National Park
Rex Halfpenny's photo below, and it would need to be rescanned.
RH-159.jpg -- not 300 dpi -- 72 dpi

Paula's ideas & comments for the 3-ring laminated letters to go in binders (called flip charts):

1) Individual stories (voluntary submissions - if they have trouble writing, I can call, interview, type and get approval while on phone)

2) Hiker photo then and a recent mug shot

Paula's list & comments of artifacts potentials
(Paula has to provide list at time of submission; artifacts to be mailed after the submission):

1) HikaNation Banner (museum probably has no space) -- (in Janet's possession)
2) HikaNation bridge poster (original signed by hikers) -- (in Paula's possession)
3) HikaNation postum mug
4) HikaNation belt buckle (Mike McReynolds' photo) or Ed Snyder has mold of one from Gudy we bid on in CO.
5) HikaNation knife -- (in Paula's possession)
6) HikaNation flag presented at Capitol -- (in William's possession)(Joe Shute's, donated by Shirley Hearn)
7) HikaNation certificate to hiker (Mike McReynolds' in William's possession)(also there's a photo of it that William has)
8) Gomer's carved hiking staff? He hasn't responded to my email, IDK if he does email.
9) Does anyone have the keys to the city, or the HikaNation Proclamation (Mike McReynolds' photo) for towns ?
10) External frame pack with patches -- (Toni volunteered)
11) Heavy leather boots -- (in Paula's possession)
12) Letters signed by Reagan, congressman, etc.
Ronald Reagan, James Watt, 2 others -- on website & (Reagan/Watt in William's possession)
13) Letter to Marce from woman inspired by her story as a housewife (ya'll got people to write to you, amazing)
14) Some original magazine and news articles (aged)
15) Original AHS letters to hikers, newsletters, misc documents
16) Gomer's rickshaw (again, I haven't heard from him and museum probably has no space)
17) Phil Atkins patent application paperwork for a headset on sleeping bag (very inventive for him to get) -- Philip A. Atkins -- Canopy Frame Patent -- November 11, 1980 -- on website
& (in William's possession ?)

18) Poems, songs written by various members
19) HikaNation patch:
4-rockers-to-patch-300dpi-5inch.jpg -- scanned from Bruce's scrapbook
4-rockers-to-patch-300dpi-8inch.jpg -- scanned from Bruce's scrapbook
4-rockers-to-patch-600dpi-8inch.jpg -- scanned from Bruce's scrapbook
logo-300dpi-8inch.jpg -- scanned from William's archives
20) State patches on cork board -- (Larry Luxenburg has from Marce)
21) HikaNation t-shirts or thermal shirt


Notes from Gwen, the AT Museum Exhibit coordinator:

Materials are due by September 15, 2018 with exhibit being installed by the end of the year.

Gwen is saying for HikaNation exhibit: images with at least 300dpi with final width of 8".
Very minimum resolution for images: 300 dpi with final image width at 8". If uncertain as to quality of original or scan, you can arrange to have the owner of the image mail the original directly to the graphic designers. They will take it from there and return safely to the owner. Gwen can provide the address when needed.

Type of materials we will need: title, subtitles, main text, and high-resolution images. Artifacts may be added once we have display cabinets or secure fixtures for the 2nd floor. Each artifact is best exhibited with a label or caption telling its relevance to the topic, and the museum has a form for the donor of the artifact to complete documenting their giving it to the museum (loan or gift).

Timetable to complete the interpretive panel is based upon the terms of the grant, which dictates the panel must be designed, fabricated, and installed before 12/31/18.