Adding text between two images

Using this setup:

Any text before the br code and first image code will be above the images.<br>
<img src="url of image" align="left" hspace="8">
<img src="url of image" align="right" hspace="8">
All text after the image codes will first appear in between the images, and then flow underneath both images.

Demo of the above:

Text above the images here. Text above the images here. Text above the images here. Text above the images here.
xxAny text after the second image tag will appear in between the images, and then flow underneath the images. Any text after the second image tag will appear in between the images, and then flow underneath the images. Any text after the second image tag will appear in between the images, and then flow underneath the images. Any text after the second image tag will appear in between the images, and then flow underneath the images.

If you want one image aligned to the left of the page, one image aligned to the right of the page, and the text underneath the images, then use a <br clear="all"> tag after the image codes:

Any text before the br code and first image code will be above the images.<br>
<img src="url of image" align="left" hspace="8">
<img src="url of image" align="right" hspace="8">
<br clear="all">
All text after the br clear="all" code will show up below the images.

Demo of the above:

Text above the images here. Text above the images here. Text above the images here.
Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images. Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images. Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images.

If you want one image aligned to the left of the page, one image aligned to the right of the page, and some text in between the images and some text underneath the images, then use
the <br clear="all"> code in the "midde" of the text area:

Any text before the br code and first image code will be above the images.<br>
<img src="url of image" align="left" hspace="8">
<img src="url of image" align="right" hspace="8">
Text before the br clear="all" tag will appear in between the images.
<br clear="all">
Text after the br clear="all" will show up below the images.

Demo of the above:

Text above the images here. Text above the images here. Text above the images here.
xxText before the br clear="all" code will appear in between the images.
Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images. Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images. Any text after the br clear="all" code will show up underneath the images.


Another way to add text between images is to use table codes:

Text before the table codes will appear above the images.

<table width="100%">
<td valign="top"><img src="url of image"></td>
<td valign="top">Text in the table & between the images.</td>
<td valign="top"><img src="url of image"></td>

Text after the table codes will appear below the images.

Using the codes above will produce the results below:

Text before the table codes will appear above the images. Text before the table codes will appear above the images.
xText in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images.x
Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images.


Using different table codes, without the valign="top" in the <td> tags:

Text before the table codes will appear above the images.

<table width="100%">
<td><img src="url of image"></td>
<td>Text in the table & between the images.</td>
<td><img src="url of image"></td>

Text after the table codes will appear below the images.

Using the codes above will produce the results below:

Text before the table codes will appear above the images. Text before the table codes will appear above the images.
xText in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images. Text in the table & between the images.x
Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images. Text after the table codes will appear below the images.

More information on using tables:

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