Changing the size
of a scrapbook image without a url

This is a way to resize a scrapbook image without obtaining a url for it when using the "add an item"--"picture" method of adding images to a Webtv PageBuilder webpage.

It will only work for webtv viewers of your page and not computer viewers; computer viewers of your webpage will see the image at its "true" size.

It involves the webtv-only attribute of abswidth, but unfortunately does not work with every pagestyle. This method works with the following pagestyles: Space, Stone, Grey, Rivets, Football, Easter, and Green Paper.

Add an image to the webpage by using the standard "add an item"--"picture" method, and then add these codes before leaving that area:

Add to the "Title" area:

<table><tr><td abswidth="#">

Add to the "Caption" area:


Using a number in the abswidth area of the td cell will also change the width of the image using the codes above, and the height of the image will be automatically adjusted proportionally.

The above is a variation of the codes on this page: not_centered

But I have to emphasize that it will not work for computer viewers of your page----the image will appear at its "true" size for them.

And I have to emphasize that it will not work for all pagestyles; it does work with the following pagestyles: Space, Stone, Grey, Rivets, Football, Easter, and Green Paper.

A demo of the above is below.

The actual width of the image below is 304, but I used the codes above to resize it to a width of 100.



a few more codes
