( June 13th, 1980 to August 5th, 1980 )

squaw-papoose rockSquaw-Papoose Rock
July 23, 1980 -- Day 103

A landmark marking the beginning of the Sundance Trail to Dark Canyon.


aaron at dark canyonDark Canyon and Aaron Francom
January late 1980's

This is not a photo taken during HikaNation, but it is the best one I have of Dark Canyon.


top of dark canyonApproaching Dark Canyon
July 23, 1980 -- Day 103

From Squaw-Papoose Rock, it was several miles to the rim of Dark Canyon; and then approximately one steep mile down to the stream running though the canyon.


halfway down dark canyonHalfway down Dark Canyon
July 23, 1980 -- Day 13


dc fortressInside Dark Canyon
July 23, 1980 -- Day 103


poolEmerald green pools
July 24, 1980 -- Day 104

The hike through Dark Canyon was interrupted by many swims in emerald green pools.


steep wallsSteep walls
July 24, 1980 -- Day 104

The canyon walls narrowed along the stream bed making for slow hiking at times.


streamDark Canyon streambed
July 24, 1980 -- Day 104


olympic poolL U N C H !!!
July 24, 1980 -- Day 104

A long and lazy lunch site by the lap pool -- some food, a couple of swims, a couple of naps......


July 24, 1980 -- Day 104

As nightfall approached, so did a storm.


cabinCowboy cabin
July 27, 1980 -- Day 107

Ryan Bozis, ??, ??,
Kurt Burke, Bruce Dolinac


wagonCowboy wagon
July 27, 1980 -- Day 107

Overturned and rusted (rustic, that is).


July 28, 1980 -- Day 108

Bruce Dolinac, Howard Gilby and
Kurt Burke on horseback, at a Gooseberry Ranger Station campsite after hiking out of Dark Canyon.


bob and a mapClimbing the Blue Mtns
July 30, 1980 -- Day 110

Bob Ronemus consults a map -- just exactly where are we (other than lost) ???


nearing the topNear the top
July 30, 1980 -- Day 110

The main group took another path through the Blue Mtns, while several of us chose to climb to the top of the Blues (8 or 9 or 10 thousand feet in elevation -- can't remember).


snowBlues snowbank
July 30, 1980 -- Day 110

Even though it was the end of a hot July, there were still huge snowbanks near the top of the Blues.


the topThe top of the world (so far).
July 31, 1980 -- Day 111

We made camp as far up on the summit as possible, in order to see both the sunset and sunrise.


ryan at monticelloMonticello, Utah
August 2, 1980 -- Day 113

Monticello is at the base of the Blue Mtns and we took several rest days here. On one of them, the town whipped up a Navajo Taco "banquet" for us. Ryan seems to be enjoying it, while Scott reads some mail.

Scott Davis, Jerry Benson, Ryan Bozis


utah/colorado borderUtah -- Colorado border
August ??, 1980 -- Day ??

...on to Colorado


Utah -1- Utah -2-Top of page

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  The Progression of HikaNation