Bruce Ohlson |
Bruce "Ole" Ohlson via e-mail -- February 1, 2021
This is what I remember after 40 years.
Everyone may recall that before HikaNation I got that guitar free from a friend (whose name I have ungratefully forgotten) or maybe I gave a couple of dollars for it at a yard sale. ( Ah, the ravages that the passage of years wear on one's memory.) That guitar had a pretty big hole bashed in the lower right corner of the sound box...like about 6" by 10." I sawed out the broken piece of the sound board, installed a brace or two, and glued in a patch. I sewed a "Kelty brown" cloth bag into which the guitar fit. Alas, I was a beginner seamster at the time and the part that the neck fit into was twisted when compared with the part into which the body of the guitar fit. Oh well. A friend visited in Sacramento, prearranged, and brought the guitar. At the group meeting in the morning led by Don Lindberg, our first Steering Committee chairman, before we walked out of Discovery Park on the Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail (called the American River Trail by the locals), I asked if a few people could see their way clear to volunteer to help carry the guitar occasionally. Several assented. That's how the guitar came to join the group. It took most of the way across Nevada before Scott volunteered to be the main guy when it came to carrying and playing the guitar. |
 Scott |