Scott Davis' HikaNation Photos
Scott's HikaNation Memorial Video Tribute

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... & more photos from Scott
Same Pages but with names & locations.

Click on some images for a larger view.

The Progression of HikaNation


More of Mike Halm
Photos by Scott Davis

Somewhere on the Aquarius Plateau, Utah
Early July, 1980

Welcome to Oklahoma
November 8, 1980

Continental Divide Trail, Colorado
August 24 through September 3, 1980

My Grass Is Blue
Possibly in Kentucky  -  February 1981

Along the Appalachian Trail, Virginia  -  April 1981

Scott Davis, Gayle Fisher, Mike Halm, Rob Burns, Tim Geoghegan
Cape Henlopen, Delaware  -  May 27, 1981

Scott Davis, Shellie Newell, Mike Halm, William Ewart
Trimpi Lean-to, Virginia  -  March 21, 1981

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