HikaNation Exhibit
Appalachian Trail Museum

Sunday - May 5, 2019

Note: A few more text edits remain to be done but this
is the latest version available as of  March 23, 2019.
(December 2018 - "almost final version")


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HikaNation Exhibit - Appalachian Trail Museum

What follows below are the earlier versions of the work above.
This portion of the webpage remains to demonstrate the work involved in this first phase of the project.

HikaNation Exhibit Proposal Progression
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Paula Guerrein-Klice's text for the HikaNation exhibit:
August 31, 2018 - HikaNation panel 8.6.docx
September 6, 2018 - HikaNation panel 8.8.docx
October 13, 2018 - HikaNation panel 10.13.docx
October 19, 2018 - 2018-10-19 HikaNation Text revised2.docx (used in demo below)
October 30, 2018 - HikaNation-final-panel-draft-10-30-2018.docx

December 2018 - almost final version - Hikanation-Panel_Var2D-12-2018.pdf

October 19, 2018
2018-10-19 HikaNation Text revised2.docx
(used in demo below)

Clickable full image filename:  HikaNation-timetable.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  300 DPI -- 8.00" x 4.54"

Image description:

The HikaNation Route with Timetable
from an AHS newsletter:
The American Hiking Society News
Hike-A-Nation Begins April 12

Image produced by:  American Hiking Society
Image received from:  Paula Guerrein
An alternative image:

300 DPI -- 8.00" x 6.40"
Created by:  AHS & Postum
with Carl Byoir & Associates, Inc.
Received from:  Rex Halfpenny

Note: Right-click image filename,
then "download linked file as..." jpg.

Clickable full image filename:  tye-river-bridge.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  400 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.5"

Image description:

A.T. Coordinator Reese Lukei, Jr. (r) pauses along the A.T.
with HikaNation hikers Susan "Butch" Henley (who joined
the staff of AHS and later the ADT, after HikaNation),
Mary Oswald, Rex Halfpenny, and Bruce Ohlson.

A.T. and Tye River along the
Tidewater ATC section, Virginia
March or April 1981

Image taken for:  Reese Lukei, Jr.
Image received from:  Reese Lukei, Jr.

Clickable full image filename:  AHS-03-book.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  600 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.07"

Image description:

This photo came from Jim Kern's book,
Trail Reflections. Photo caption reads:
"HikaNation, the name of the cross-country hike,
was organized by Kern and supported along the way
by Monty Montgomery and his Airstream camper."

On-site HikaNation coordinator
Ret. USAF Lt. Col. "Monty" Montgomery's
van & airstream support was crucial to the
success of HikaNation.

Image taken by: 
Image received from:  Jim Kern, Trail Reflections

Clickable full image filename:  postum-cover-bridge-300dpi.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  300 DPI -- 8.00" x 10.42"

Image description:

Hikers crossing the Oakland Bay Bridge led by
Jeannie Harmon (California Pathfinder),
Glenn Seaborg (California Coordinator),
and Kurt Burke (on the far right with black hat).
HikaNation News Releases
for Postum, General Foods Corportion
by Carl Byoir & Associates, Inc.

An estimated 7,000 people showed up for
the HikaNation kickoff and bridge closing.

Oakland Bay Bridge, California
April 13, 1980

Image taken by: 
Image received from:  American Hiking Society
An alternative image:

April 13, 1980
300 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.38"
Taken by:  Rex Halfpenny
Received from:  Mike McReynolds

Note: Right-click image filename,
then "download linked file as..." jpg.

Clickable full image filename:  Parade-Day-1981-clipped-600dpi.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  600 DPI -- 4.55" x 6.09"

Image description:

John Stout w/flag, with crowd on Capitol stairs.
Twenty Million Footsteps by John E. Stout

HikaNation was not protesting but instead
showed support for more trail funding
from Congress.

Washington, D.C.
May 13, 1981

Image taken by:  K. Jewell
Image received from:  Mountaineer Magazine
Twenty Million Footsteps by John E. Stout
An alternative image:

May 13, 1981
400 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.50"
Taken by:  Reese Lukei, Jr.
Received from:  Reese Lukei, Jr.

Note: Right-click image filename,
then "download linked file as..." jpg.

crop-out-this-person.jpgNote: This hiker, in middle, standing,
with green shirt and grey&blue vest on
needs to be "blurred out" of recognition or
"Photoshopped out" before this image can be used.
Clickable full image filename:  Geoghegan-mississippi-river-1980.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  300 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.97"

Image description:

Group photo just before
crossing the icy Mississippi River.

Mississippi River
Wittenburg Ferry crossing, Missouri
January 15, 1981

Also available, a version from William Ewart:
300 DPI -- 8.00" x 6.28"

Image taken by:  Tim Ernst
Image received from:  Tim Geoghegan
An alternative image:

May 9, 1981
400 DPI -- 8.00" x 5.86"
Taken by: 
Received from:  Reese Lukei, Jr.

Note: Right-click image filename,
then "download linked file as..." jpg.

...and a bonus image to consider...
...and a bonus image to consider...
Clickable full image filename:  HikaNationLH.jpg
Note: Right-click image filename, then "download linked file as..." jpg.
Image DPI and dimensions (width x height):  600 DPI -- 8.00" x 10.35"

Image description and artist note:

"I created the HikaNation letterhead at the request
of Bruce Ohlson. I don't remember the details of
the process, but I somehow got hold of markers and
paper and drew a caricature of a backpacker walking
across America from coast to coast."

Ryan Bozis

Image created by:  Ryan Bozis
Image received from:  Ryan Bozis

Exhibit text and photos
(I am not suggesting the section below as a layout format;
I am merely showing text & photos uncluttered, without image notes.)







More potential exhibit photos:

Questions concerning the images or webpage:
Contact: William Ewart
  via e-mail

HikaNation logo