III_3. ....next below, III_4 ........back to 7b2_III_3.html III_4.
....next below, III_4b., tad thinner ........back to above, III_3 III_4b, thinner version of III_4 a version of III_3. zonts a bit diff, still haven't tackled changing the top zont arrangement completely, this to replace III_4
....next below, III_3a ........back to previous, III_4 III_3a. ....next below, III_3b ........ previous, III_4b III_3b.
....next below, III_3b2 ........back to III_3a III_3b2, thinner. ....next below, III_4b2 ........back to III_3b III_4b2, example of exhausted these
....previous, III_3b2 ........back to 7b2_III_3.html