
Rest Day
Linden, Virginia
0.0 miles - Thursday - April 30, 1981 - Day 384

Click on photos for larger versions.      Click on text links for additional content.

Virginia map

Virginia route information

The Progression of HikaNation - Virginia
details the journey with various organizational
memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.

Checkpoints along the Appalachian Trail
(Monty to be at each place for 3 days)

Clip above is from
HikaNation Virginia No. 6
from Reese Lukei, Jr.
Unofficial Virginia campsties

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List

Hiking along the Appalachian Trail was "at your own pace", so HikaNation groups were spread out along the A.T., with various campsites every night. The ones listed at the top of the page are William Ewart's campsites. Photos will try to match the dates of occurence so the photos will not always be William's whereabouts.

(entire article
provided by Tim Geoghegan)

(entire article
provided by Marce Guerrein)

(entire article
provided by Tim Geoghegan)

(entire article provided by
Bruce Ohlson & John Stout)

(entire article
provided by Bruce Ohlson & John Stout)

Last night's sunset near Linden, Virginia
(photo by William Ewart)

Rest day at Linden, Virginia
April 30, 1981
(photo by William Ewart)

Last night's sunset near Linden, Virginia
(photo by William Ewart)

Rest day at Linden, Virginia
(photo by William Ewart)
From William Ewart's journal:

Several of us hiked ahead of the group to reach Linden, Virginia, so that we could be transported to Washington, D.C., to participate in a 100k (60+ mile) hike (D.C. to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia) on May 2nd.

Information concerning the 100k Hike

April 29, 1981 (previous day) April 30, 1981 (Today) May 1, 1981 (next day)
HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation - Virginia Daily Campsite Index

E-mail HikaNation to submit additional photos and comments about this day