Big Pond Lean-to to High School Campsite in Newport, Virginia ~ 8.5 miles - Saturday - April 4, 1981 - Day 358Click on photos for larger versions. Click on text links for additional content.
Virginia map

Virginia route information |
The Progression of HikaNation - Virginia details the journey with various organizational memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles.
Checkpoints along the Appalachian Trail (Monty to be at each place for 3 days)
 Clip above is from HikaNation Virginia No. 6 from Reese Lukei, Jr. |
Unofficial Virginia campsties

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List
Hiking along the Appalachian Trail was "at your own pace", so HikaNation groups were spread out along the A.T., with various campsites every night. The ones listed at the top of the page are William Ewart's campsites. Photos will try to match the dates of occurence so the photos will not always be William's whereabouts. |
 ---------------> GANG WARFARE at Newport High School --------------->
 ---------------> GANG WARFARE at Newport High School --------------->
From William Ewart 's journal:
After the Newport High School hamburger cook-out, went downtown, not much agoing on so back to the CS. To the store again at 8-9pm and hung out with Mike C, Donna, Marika and later Tim. Back to school around 1030pm and settled down for the nite in entrance on opposite side of bldg than the main CS, in case of rain.
Earlier that evening some high school kids came out and pulled the stakes out of Tish's tent. Driving a Volvo? with loud muffler - they'd been cruising in and out of town alot that evening. while I slept/dozed they pulled in again and got sticks and went in the back way to the swings - banging away, saying they were the Newport Hellraisers and they were going to break heads, etc. As they left, they tried to jump over Mark Fuller's tent but failing, and collapsing it and bending and breaking several poles. They zoomed off and Tim G ran out to the road to get the license plate number, they thought he shot them a bird and they returned with another car and challenged Tim G and Mike C to fight. They did nothing (to provoke the locals).
I heard the 2 cars but none of the yelling. I thought it was a late night rendevous of locals. Soon 8 of them returned, walking with sticks and pipes, passing by me without seein me, so I packed up and went around to check things out. Tim G, Mark F, Mike C, Tish, Al were at battle stations talking with the locals. When they heard the sheriff had been called, they began saying "let's call it even - a busted tent and the bird".
Sheriff drove up and they all jumped into the creek and over a barbed wire fence and up the hill. Lots of splashes. They were drunk to begin with. 4 of them were caught and later identified by Tim.
2 of those 4 returned later and Tim talked with them. Said they were really scared. Asking when the court date was. Tim didn't let on Mark wasn't going to press charges (since it was hard to say who actually jumped on the tent and broke the poles) but not revealing that, Tim said the court date was Thursday and "better to tell your folds tonight than have them find out another way, etc.".
 Searching for appropriate photos
From William Ewart's journal:
Proceedings at the beginning of the day are detailed below. After the dinner and assembly, the Gang Warfare erupted as detailed above.
