Greenville Shoe Store to Ennis, Kentucky ~ 13.5 miles - Saturday - February 7, 1981 - Day 302Click on photos for larger versions. Click on text links for additional content.
Kentucky map

Kentucky route information |
The Progression of HikaNation - Kentucky details the journey with various organizational memos, letters, newspaper and magazine articles. |
Unofficial Kentucky campsites

Unofficial HikaNation Campsites List
Janet Parsons & Jerri Hudson on a side trip to Nashville & Chicago

Click on image for entire article from Janet Parsons |

  Janet Parsons & Jerri Hudson on a side trip to Nashville & Chicago |
 "Kelty Mike" Collins at what might be the Ennis campsite (photo by Tim Geoghegan)
(Note: Turns out this photo is from tomorrow night's campsite, west of Dunbar; very similar weed patch campsites though.) |
From Doug Marshall:
Hiking from Greenville to tonight's campsite at Ennis,
we walked out of Greenville on KY 176 to 70 and passed the turn off to Paradise on KY 70 Reggy and I stopped beside the Rochester Dam to have a drink of whiskey. While we were having the drink, a local stopped and asked what all the people with backpacks were doing. We gave him the 5 minute answer and we continued walking. About a mile or two down the road he came out of his house and asked Reggy and I if we would come in as he had made a lunch for us. We did, later that evening at the campsite this guy showed up again and asked if I would come back to dinner and meet his wife and daughter. I did and after dinner he took me back to the campsite. He then ask if he came back the next morning if he could walk with me to Morgantown. I said yes, he not only walked with me the next morning, but carried my pack and when we got to Morgantown his wife was waiting in a restaurant and they bought me lunch.
I have great memories of Muhlenberg county and the Green River that come back to me every time I hear "Paradise" - that song by John Prine.
From William Ewart's journal:
Yikes....Ennis - What a Dump Campsite!! Dumpy area beside the road and a closed junky store.
First 8 miles of the day spent hiking with Ben discussing bike touring - pros and cons, types of bikes, etc. Ben satisfied with his Fugi and saw no reason to get a custom frame for his prior trips to cut out a few pounds since he was carrying a radio and other "luxuries" anyway.
Off at 10am after drinking coffee for 1.5 hours in Greenville before leaving, then more coffee along the way at Drakesboro and the Rooster Cafe. Owner of the Cafe is going to fix up breakfasts we "ordered" and bring them out to us tomorrow am at the Ennis campsite!!!! Kentuckians are really putting on a hospitality show.
Locals came around about 11pm when I had a candle on reading after 1.5 hours of attempted sleep. Sounded like no muffler and they had driven up onto the grass beside me: "Hey Hey - where you going?", pause, "Well I guess they don't want to talk", and then they peeled out. Later a car did the same thing down by Monty's support Airstream trailer and Phil told them D.C. was our destination. Locals: "Tell Reagan he's a f....r" and then spun their tires some more.