Hikers cross Missouri en route to Washington, D.C.
January 15, 1981

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Full page aritcle above provided by
John Stout via the American Hiking Society.

Enthusiastic hikers join together before crossing the Mississippi River on the Tower
Rock ferry at Wittenberg. Most of the group have been with HikaNation since last
April when leaving San Francisco and expect to reach the Washington Monument
in the spring.
r-r groupscott-tent

Articles scanned from Bruce Ohlson's 2nd Scrapbook Album.

HikaNation The Progression of HikaNation Stories & Journals

search engine keywords:
photos by Phyllis Brunke, John Stout, Jeannie Harmon, Scott Davis, Pete McIntyre, Rick Warnick, Gayle Fisher, Rob Burns, Shellie Newell, Rip Hudson, Stacey Waring, Rex Halfpenny, Mary Oswald