HikaNation Participants & State Planners

Click images for larger versions.

"The HikaNation's Sponsoring Organizations"
below was provided by Terry Ernst.

"HikaNation State Route Planners"
below provided by David & Gudy Gaskill.

spacerHikaNationspacerThe Progression of HikaNationspacerStories & Journals

search engine keywords:
organizations, American Hiking Society, Boy Scouts, Sierra Club, Appalachian Trail Conference, Appalachian Mountain Club, The Youth Conservation Corps Alumnae, Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Backpacker Magazine, Dr. Glenn Seaborg, Jean Beam, Gerald Evans, Gudrun Gaskill, Stan Adamson, Robert Smith, James Brown, Al Schneider, S.A. Larsen, Ron Keal, Ed Garvey, Bill Rennebohm, Department of the Interior, Craig Evans, James Kern, William Kemsley, Lawrence Montgomery, Beverly Byron, Congresswoman, Mike McReynolds, Saralee Weintraub, , Glenn Seaborg, Jean Beam, Gerald Evans, Gudrun Gaskill, Stan Adamson, Robert Smith, James Brown, Al Schneider, S.A. Larsen, Doug Billits, Doug Billips, Ed Garvey