Tim Geoghegan's Photos
AHS Commemorative HikaNation Hikes
Summer 1981

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Arches National Park, Utah

AHS Commemorative HikaNation Hikes
Summer 1981

(retracing and revising some of the
1980 - 1981 HikaNation route)

Arches National Park, Utah

American Hiking Society
Nancy Miller Memo
August 1981

3 Notes after the Commemorative Hikes

American Hiking Society
HikaNation Quarterly
November 1981

Monty Montgomery
December 1981

(PDF of entire letter)

Newspaper Rock
State Historic Monument, Utah

Ferris Reservoir

Ed and Monty

original (above)
cropped (link)

Tim atop Eagle Peak

William joins the Hike
Rico, Colorado
July 10, 1981

Kite Lake

Rico to Silverton Trail
July 10 - 12, 1981