Tim Geoghegan's HikaNation Photos
Missouri - Illinois

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Index of Tim's Contributions

Tim Geoghegan

December 20th, 1980 to January 15th, 1981

Shellie Newell, Robert Rowe, Mike Halm,
Stacey Waring, Tim Mingus, Linda Stoneman,
Scott Davis, Sharon Chrostowski
Freemont, Missouri - December 31, 1980

Mom & Tim Geoghegan

Pecks Wildlife Refuge Airstrip, Missouri
December 31, 1980

Scott Davis

Tim Geoghegan's
Brand Spanking New
North Face VE-24 Dome Tent

Tim Geoghegan

Sutton Bluff

Tish Butcher

Robbs Pkg & Groc
Keith Wright, (unknown with orange pack),
Tish Butcher, Mike Halm, John Stout

Johnson's Shut Ins, Missouri
January 6, 1981

Al Schneider
Missouri coordinator

David Chernow
Taum Sauk Trail, Missouri

Frozen Waterfalls
January 7, 1981

Side trip to The Gateway Arch
St. Louis, Missouri
January 9 ?, 1981

Coffee Break with Mary Oswald,
Scott Davis, Randy Blymire

Ed's Bar & Grill
January 14, 1981

Scott Davis
Cleaning the VE-24 Dome

Wittenberg, Missouri
January 14, 1981

HikaNation approaching the Mississippi River
January 15, 1981

Monty Montgomery
Briefing HikaNation about the Wittenberg Ferry

HikaNation gathering for a group photo
January 15, 1981

Mississippi River, Missouri
January 15, 1981
Additional Mississippi River Group Photos

Boarding the Wittenberg Ferry
Mississippi River, Missouri
January 15, 1981

Jerry Benson, Tim Mingus,
Linda Stoneman, Mike Halm

Kaylor's Cafe
January 31, 1981

January 15th, 1981 to January 31st, 1981

Cave in Rock, Illinois
January 31, 1981

Howard Gilby, Bruce Dolinac, Kurt Burke
January 31, 1981

Ohio River crossing, entering Kentucky
(Illinois is on the far side of the river)
January 31, 1981

Illinois - Kentucky border
January 31, 1981