HikaNation State Coordinators Gudy Gaskill
(Colorado Trail Board member) &
Al Schneider, Missouri Coordinator (Wildflower Expert) |

HikaNation Hiker Tish Butcher,
Geology Professor, rockin' on as part of
the Wildflower Walk with Al Schneider!
 Wildflower Walk with Al Schneider!
Al Schneider leads a wildflower walk at the
2015 HikaNation reunion. His website is
swcoloradowildflowers.com, which was just
accepted by the Rocky Mountain Biological Lab.

Daughter Jiamie with father Gomer Pyles,
American Hiking Society Founding President
Jim Kern, & HikaNation Colorado
State Coordinator Gudy Gaskill.
 HikaNation Kansas State Coordinator
Stan Adamson with his book: Longs Peak,
Its Story and a Climbing Guide.
