Oil Paintings


Watercolor Paintings



Commercial Works


Contact Ryan

Ryan & HikaNation

Artwork Revisited

Stories from Africa

Miscellaneous Photos



Market Table

Owl Orchard

The Owl
on the Bookshelf

2021 Update:
Happy Holly Days

The Story
of Stick Man

The End of The Story
of Stick Man

2022 Additions

My Life and Work and Stuff
A Pain in the Neck Is a Kick in the Butt

Working 25 years as a graphic artist Ryan developed his design skills; working long hours at a computer he developed severe, chronic pain in his neck. It gave him another reason to do what he's always wanted to do.

Ryan has always been an artist. His senses of his world and self and his responses to the same have always been colored and shaped by an artist's eyes and hands and heart and mind. Early education failed to train the artist out of him; later education nurtured and informed him; work and experience matured him; personal crisis pushed him to the edge, and he jumped.

Ryan has thrown himself into drawing and painting as never before. Body surfing a tsunami of amassed creative impulses, surging inspirations and looming obligations, he somehow maintains balance and control as he floods his artworks with energy and bold expression.

Ryan hikes and backpacks the Appalachian Trail and other trails throughout Virginia and the U.S., accompanied often by Anna Banana the Wonder Beagle and occasionally by Kathleen, his wife and best friend in the world. He also husbands a small slice of wilderness - three acres on the South River - affectionately called "The South Three."

Artist's Statement

In my life and art I explore connections to the earth and life and the One who created all. I feel a deep respect and concern for our natural environment - virgin forest or verdant farm field, a creek in the suburbs or a crack in the sidewalk. I also feel it is our responsibility to love and care for all life - flora, fauna, family, friend or foe. I am inspired by beauty all around me - in wilderness and wildlife, in people, pets and places, in good things and good times. I strive to express in my art the beauty I find in both the subject and the medium.

Creating art is my passion, and sharing it with you is my pleasure. I hope you find beauty and inspiration in my art and all around you. I especially hope you are inspired to explore your own connections to the earth and life and the One who created all.

Work History

February 2006 - Present:
Paintings and Drawings - Landscapes, Still Lifes,
Portraits of People, Pets and Places

February 2005 - February 2006:
I gave myself a year to recover my health and to
explore new career possibilities. At some point
I picked up a paint brush.

October 1999 - February 2005:
Digital Prepress
Colortree Inc. of Virginia, Manufacturer
and Printer of Direct Mail Envelopes

May 1981 - October 1999:
Graphic Designer and Art Director
Various Agencies and Freelance
in Richmond, Dallas and Saint Louis


Plein Air Painters of the Southeast:
2005 Fall Oil Workshop

VMFA Studio School, Summer 2005:
1. Portrait Painting from Photographs;
2. Watercolor and Mixed Media

Washington University School of Fine Art,
Saint Louis, Missouri:
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree,
Graphic Design Major